Monday, January 19, 2009

Style Steal..Cleopatra

Style Steal..Cleopatra
Style Steal..Cleopatra by Nasiide

Draw inspiration from Cleopatra's style and take a journey back in time to Egypt


  1. Hi my ex husband was Turkish and I loooove Turkish scarves. I was wondering how you feel about Vakko? I had a major obsession with them although it could be considered haraam to some.

  2. Selam sis im sorry im not familiar with Vakko im an Aussie Turk lol so maybe i dont know the word.. Turksih scarves r gorgezz espc the gold one featured x

  3. I love the Egypt style specially the kohl make up!

  4. Vakko is a major esharp brand thats also very expensive, the "Yesil sosyete" wich basicly means the "high class muslimahs" number one brand. It's said to be owned bu Jews, thats prob. why they say its haram :)) but there are other brands that make the same quality like aker has a new line that is stain repellent and smells like lavender everytime you use it :))
